
Winning Strategies For Playing Online Roulette


Roulette is among the most popular games for online gamblers around the world. Yet, most online gamblers end up losing on roulette, and much of it has to do with a wrong approach to the game. While roulette does give the house a certain edge, this edge is very small, and there is no reason you should be consistently losing at the game of online roulette.

In order to win at online roulette, you will want to apply certain strategies and approach the game in a more methodical way. There is a number of ways you could improve your odds of winning at online roulette, and we will go on to list but a few of those methods.

Playing Within Your Bankroll

One of the most common ways for people to lose tons of money at online roulette is by playing way above their means. For instance, it is not all that uncommon to see a person deposit a couple of hundred dollars but then proceed to bet 20 or 50 dollars on a single number. This is not a way to maintain a bankroll in roulette, and while you may win big, the chances are you will go busto.

Instead, we recommend playing within your bankroll and making bets that make sense in comparison to the amount of money you have deposited. This way, you are guaranteed to have fun for a longer time, and you are way more likely to come out on top.

Using Bonuses

Online casino bonuses are probably their biggest advantage over brick and mortar casinos, which is why we strongly recommend you make full use of the bonuses on offer and never play without an active bonus. After all, its free cash and there is no reason you should not make use of it.

You can find generous bonuses at many online casinos, so don’t hesitate in playing with multiple casinos to maximize your bonus value. Before you choose which bonus to use for playing online roulette, make sure you go through the fine print and use a bonus with reasonable playthrough requirements.

Picking The Right Casinos

There are many online casinos that offer online roulette. Naturally, among these hundreds of online casinos, you will want to pick one that offers the best selection of games bonuses and other commodities for the players. We recommend you check out Betdaq when looking to play online roulette. Betdaq was established in 2000 and offers a wide choice of options for online roulette players.

Playing The Right Game

Roulette may be one game, but there are many variations of it. We recommend that you play the types of online roulette that offer the best chances to win. Games like American Roulette actually increase the house edge from a starting 2.7% to a 5.4%, making them less favorable to play.

Playing classic roulette gives the house a 2.7% edge, while a game like French Roulette gives you even better odds, with a house edge of only 1.36%. If you are intending to play a reasonable roulette strategy, playing these games is much smarter than American Roulette. The lesser the casino edge, the bigger your chances of winning.

Using Mathematical Systems

Mathematical game systems such as Martingale, Reverse Martingale and Labouchere gives you a very reasonable chance of winning in the short run. While they may not be a guarantee of long term winnings, using them gives you plenty of chances to win some cash on a given day.

Thousands of roulette players have made money by using these mathematical systems to play online roulette and there is no reason you should not be one of them.

Bottom line, don’t jump into online roulette games without a plan or a strategy, as you will be more likely to win if you approach the game using a smart methodic approach and it will actually be more fun to play when you know what your plan is.

By: Zsolt A.


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